I Am A Giant Cow

That is why I will work my entire life to become thin again

Thinspo 10:03 AM

Not much to say today - not feeling great - 800 cals yesterday...ugh. I feel fat just thinking about it. I've got to get back on track - so far today 70 cals and an hour workout - I need to keep it up all day, I'm back to like 124lbs....I was doing so well. I swear as soon as someone says I look skinny, that's like my excuse to binge or something - like, I'm skinny enough for someone to notice, so if I just do a mini binge it won't make a difference. Well, here's the proof, up another pound or so. I'll do better the rest of the week and this weekend. Here's some Emina Cunmulaj Thinspo - she's sooooo skinny!


Rachael said...

Wow i really love this thinspo and i especially love the last photo she looks so pretty.

Sarah. said...

Emina Cunmulaj is totally gorgeous!! Ive never seen her before - but wow!
I know exactly what you mean about the compliment binge... I do it too.. Silly silly silly.

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